A 30-Year Partnership

The Situation

We provide personalized assistance to clients, addressing their unique situations with care.

In the early 1990s, Joanne crossed paths with Kevin and his father, Ed, during a presentation they gave. She was deeply impressed by their remarkable father-son team. At that time, Joanne was self-managing her finances and had been investing in mutual funds since her teenage years. However, she yearned for a more personalized financial approach that better aligned with her comfort level and risk tolerance.

""Jenny gave me the green light and helped me make my move to San Diego possible. I thought it was out of my budget, but she made it happen. Her expertise and support were instrumental in this life-changing decision."

The Process

We approach our work with a combination of thoroughness and urgency, prioritizing both quality and timeliness to meet our clients' needs effectively.

Over the span of 30-plus years, Joanne witnessed significant changes unfold. Rebecca became her dedicated point of contact, consistently providing assistance for any concerns or needs she had. As time progressed, Jenny and Kathleen also joined the team, enriching the depth of expertise available to her. Joanne always preferred in-person meetings at their office, where their responsiveness and attentiveness to her financial requirements proved to be truly commendable.

"The whole Coyle financial team is like family. Over 30-plus years, they've been there for me, providing tailored financial guidance and always taking care of my needs."

The Solution

We continually assess and reassess our strategies and actions to ensure they align with our clients' evolving needs and goals.

In September 2022, Joanne made a momentous decision to relocate to San Diego to be closer to her son and daughter-in-law. Initially uncertain about the financial feasibility of this move, Jenny stepped in with her expertise and guidance. By February 2023, thanks to Jenny's support, Joanne found herself in her new home, which not only fit her budget but also fulfilled all the criteria on her wishlist. The Coyle financial team, in its entirety, feels like an extension of Joanne's own family, and she is immensely grateful for their unwavering support and guidance throughout these transformative years.

"Rebecca was my main go-to person, helping with any glitches and things I needed. The team's responsiveness and personal attention have made a significant difference in my financial journey."

An Important Note

Testimonials are based on unique experiences from current clients and are not representative of all client experiences. Testimonials are solicited; however, no cash or non-cash compensation was paid for such testimonials. Investing involves risk, including the possible loss of principal and fluctuation of value.  Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

The client situations described herein were prepared by Coyle. Written approval was received prior to publication by the clients referenced, respectively. These testimonials are based on unique experiences from current clients and are not representative of all client experiences. Testimonials are solicited; however, no cash or non-cash compensation was paid for such testimonials. Investing involves risk, including the possible loss of principal and fluctuation of value.  Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Jenny Selvaggio

Wealth Advisor, CFP

Jenny Selvaggio is a Wealth Advisor at Coyle Financial. Jenny's experience, individualized guidance, and network of highly respected professionals provide her clients with enhanced clarity and purpose for their wealth. She is passionate about assisting her clients and their families in planning for their next chapter in life.

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